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IMT Lucca Call for applications for Ph.D. positions (Deadline: June 29, 2015 – 06:00 p.m. Italian time)

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies of Lucca has issued an official call for applications for its multidisciplinary Ph.D. program “Institutions, Markets and Technologies”, which is articulated in three field-specific, yet complementary, curricula:
– Computer Science and Systems Engineering (CSSE);
– Economics, Management and Data Science (EMDS);
– Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage (AMCH).
Duration of Ph.D. courses is 3 years and classes will start on November 2, 2015. Courses and seminars will be held in English.
Scholarships and facilities offered:
– 35 Ph.D. positions are covered by scholarships in the gross amount of 13,638.47 € /year.
– All Ph.D. students will have tuition fees waived (with the exception of a regional tax of around 140 € /year).
– Ph.D. students who are granted a scholarship have free accommodation in shared double rooms in the School residence halls (with the exception of students whose permanent residence is within 30 km of IMT).
– All Ph.D. students will have free access to the canteen services and comprehensive use of library resources.
– All Ph.D. students are covered by insurance against any accident and/or injury that may occur while carrying out their Ph.D. activities.
Proficiency in English is compulsory.
Applicants must fill out the online application form in English and attach the required documents by 6.00 p.m. (Italian time) of June 29, 2015.
For further details, please visit:
The official call for applications is available at the page .